Lyudmila S.

About me
I am a biologist by training with a strong expertise in reconstructing past human-environmental interactions, cooperating intensively with archaeologists and geographers. The focus of my research is on uncovering human-environmental interactions in the past with the motivation to apply that knowledge to mitigate future impacts of climate change on biodiversity and human societies. For this I apply a wide range of biological proxies including pollen, spores, non-pollen palynomorphs, plant macroremains, wood and charcoal from different natural archives and archaeological contexts. I work mainly on the late glacial and Holocene dynamic of the forest-grassland ecotones in Eurasia and also in other parts of the world.
Non-pollen palynomorphs webpage and database
2009 – 2013
PhD in Biology, University of Göttingen (Germany)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Behling
Thesis topic:
Vegetation, climate and environmental dynamics of the Black Sea/Northern Anatolian region during the last 134 ka obtained from palynological analysis
2007 – 2009
MSc in Biodiversity and Ecology, University of Göttingen
Thesis topic:
Vergleichende palynologische Untersuchungen zur Beweidungsökologie der Mongolei und Nepals
1999 – 2004
Diplom in Ecology, Perm State University (Russia)
Thesis topic:
Пространственно-временная динамика структуры герпетобионтного населения лесов заказника Предуралье (Spatio-temporal dynamics of the ground invertebrate communities in the nature reserve Preduralye)
Academic positions
11.2015 – present
habilitation position at the University of Göttingen (Germany)
05.2014 – 10.2015
post-doctoral researcher in Intitut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie marine et continentale (IMBE) (Aix-en-Provence, France)
11.2013 – 12.2013
post-doctoral researcher in Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (Germany)
01.2013 – 09.2013
post-doctoral researcher in University of Göttingen
10.2009 – 09.2012
PhD position in University of Göttingen
2008 – 2009
student/scientific assistant (wissenschaftliche HiWi) in University of Göttingen
2000 – 2005
student/scientific assistant in the University of Perm (Russia)
Principal Investigator
2021 – 2024
Plant and land use of Early Iron Age societies in the boreal zone of the mid-Kama region and its environmental impact. German Science Foundation (DFG 462653676)
2019 – 2022
Holocene dynamic of the East European forest-steppe: climate, human and fire impact. German Science Foundation (DFG 422265568)
2017 – 2021
Phenomenon of the Kungur forest-steppe: natural or human-made? German Science Foundation (DFG 391893066)
Veränderungen im Bereich der Waldsteppengrenze im Europäischen Russland und der Ukraine unter dem Einfluss von Klimawandel und Mensch (Pilot grant (Anschubfinanzierung) by University of Göttingen)